Step-by-Step Guide to Entering
Before you begin
Please read the competition's eligibility requirements, fees and conditions, and helpful tips before you get started. (Tip #1: start early!) If you have questions/concerns about the eligibility of your project, please contact the CHBA National Office at
Please create your account and familiarize yourself with the online entry platform with plenty of time before the deadline.
Submission deadline
The CHBA National Awards for Housing Excellence consists of strictly online submissions. All online submissions must be submitted and paid for by 2:05pm, December 11, 2023. We have a tight turnaround between the deadline and the first stage of judging, so the deadline will not be extended.
First, create an account
Click here to find the "create account" form. CHBA is using a new awards platform this year, so you'll need to create a new account (this account is independent of your CHBA website account). Once you verify your account you can start creating your entries right away.
Next, create an entry
When you first log into your account, you'll see a "Start a new entry" form. Simply choose which category you want to enter, give your entry a title, and click the "Start" button. In the form that loads, you will find all the information you need in order to submit an entry to your selected category. You don't have to complete your entry all in one sitting. Your entry saves while you work, so you can always come back to it later.
You will need to have the CHBA Membership ID number for any company listed with the project. Click here to find the ID. If you can't find the company you're looking for and you think there is an error, please contact us at
You can see all of the submissions you have entered by clicking the view submissions link in the menu. From here you can edit the submissions by clicking on the add/edit photos link and the written submission link.
When you're finished, tap the "Add to cart" button at the bottom of the entry form. You can then start another entry or checkout. Your entries are considered "officially entered" once payment for your entry fees has been received.
How do I pay?
Payment is by credit card only. Submissions are only complete once payment is made.
Can I make changes to my entry after I've submitted it?
Yes, you can continue to edit your entries until the submission deadline. After the deadline, you will be able to view your entries, but the editing controls will be disabled.
Do I need any kind of special software to make my entries?
This awards system is entirely web-based. You can create your entries on your phone, iPad, laptop, or any computer. All you need is a browser.
How do you protect my information?
Your account is protected by industry-leading 4096-bit encryption, and the entire system is backed up every day.